About us

Teknoma Technological Materials Industrial and Trading Inc.

Teknoma Technological Materials Inc. operates within the Izmir Technology Development Zone which is located in Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) Campus. Teknoma aims research and development in the field of materials engineering and vacuum technologies and also provide consulting services. The main focus of the company is the development, analysis, testing, prototype processing and fabrication of composite materials, thin films, surface coatings and vacuum technologies. Other types of materials such as technological/smart materials, polymers, ceramics are the main focus. Teknoma has facilities to perform mechanical, thermal and electrical property testing and micro-structural characterization of the materials.

Metallization of composite materials, radar absorption and electrical and electromagnetic tests (50 MHz – 20 GHz) are in procedure.

Teknoma has coating units, vacuum systems and parts with sputter, ion beam etc. Various coating systems can be manufactured depending on order.

Molybdenum thin films on microscope slides for CIGS and CZTS back contacts
Composite materials prepared with various fibers (Aramid, glass, carbon fiber, etc.) by Teknoma Inc.